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Stark contrast between DeSantis and Crist in so many ways | Editorial

  • This combination of photos shows Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie...

    Chris O'Meara/AP

    This combination of photos shows Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist on Sept. 12, 2022, in Miami, left, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Sept. 26, 2022, in Largo, Fla., right.

  • An explanation of the Department of State's request to expand...

    An explanation of the Department of State's request to expand the Office of Election Crimes and Security next year. The proposal requires legislative approval.



The most important race for governor in Florida history will be decided on Tuesday when voters choose between Republican Ron DeSantis and Democrat Charlie Crist. Rarely in the history of Florida politics have two candidates disagreed on so much. Here are several examples:

Abortion: DeSantis signed a 15-week ban on abortion with no exceptions for victims of rape, incest or human trafficking. “I’m proud of the 15 weeks that we did,” DeSantis said in a recent debate. Crist opposed the law and said of the lack of exceptions: “That’s callous, it’s barbaric and it’s wrong, and Florida deserves better.” Crist said he would sign an executive order his first day in office to protect abortion rights. DeSantis has declined to say whether he would seek additional abortion restrictions if he’s re-elected.

Antisemitism: Hours after antisemitic incidents last weekend at a UF-Georgia football game and on an I-10 overpass in Jacksonville, Crist issued a statement that said: “I am disgusted and horrified at the hateful, antisemitic rhetoric displayed in Jacksonville … Hate should have no home in Florida, period.” Despite having the state’s most powerful megaphone, DeSantis said nothing, even though he was at the game. Two days later, a spokesman said weakly: “Governor DeSantis rejects attempts to scapegoat the Jewish community. It has no place in Florida.”

COVID-19: Determined to keep Florida “free,” DeSantis ran roughshod over local officials for imposing mask and vaccine mandates. Crist’s approach is the opposite. He supported mandates as a way of “listening to science.” Early in the pandemic, DeSantis’ own staff urged him to require masks, as we reported, but he wouldn’t. DeSantis criticized a group of teens for wearing masks, calling it “ridiculous” and “COVID theater.” Crist said criticizing the students was “the ultimate expression of the actions of a bully.”

Elections: Citing the need to “strengthen election integrity,” DeSantis pushed for a new Office of Election Crimes and Security to investigate allegations of election fraud and wants to double its funding next year. He also signed bills that would limit ways people could request and return ballots, and met privately with a group that wants to shut down mail balloting and early voting altogether. (More on that below.) Crist says the office is a blatant effort to intimidate Florida voters, and he would abolish it He also would have vetoed the elections bills DeSantis signed.

An explanation of the Department of State's request to expand the Office of Election Crimes and Security next year. The proposal requires legislative approval.
An explanation of the Department of State’s request to expand the Office of Election Crimes and Security next year. The proposal requires legislative approval.

Environment: Despite pledging to put clean water in Florida on a “war footing,” DeSantis’ response has been as lukewarm as day-old dishwater. He vetoed tens of millions of dollars in local water projects. To his credit, however, he secured $3.3 billion for restoration of the Everglades, above his goal of $2.5 billion. Crist wants to restrict fertilizer use and runoff that leads to toxic algae blooms and favors local environmental protection over state control. The Everglades Foundation board is closely aligned with DeSantis and the Sierra Club supports Crist.

Guns: If re-elected, DeSantis says he will sign an “open carry” law, so unlicensed gun owners can display weapons. Crist opposes open carry and supports expanded background checks and a ban on assault weapons; DeSantis opposes both. DeSantis said he would have vetoed the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act because of portions that enacted a red-flag law and raised the age to buy rifles and shotguns to 21. Crist said he would strengthen the red-flag law.

Insurance: Homeowners have seen property insurance premiums skyrocket under DeSantis, a criticism echoed even by Republican Sen. Rick Scott, and fears of a market collapse persist, even after DeSantis signed new industry-friendly changes. Florida has among the highest rates in the U.S., and they will rise again because of damage from Hurricane Ian. Crist fought insurers as a populist Republican governor (2007-2011), and his claim that rates fell by 10% during his term was rated Mostly True by Politifact.

Medicaid: DeSantis opposes expanding Medicaid to an estimated 800,000 uninsured low-income Floridians. Crist would seek expansion if elected, and has said he would veto any state budget that does not include Medicaid expansion.

Migrants: DeSantis spent public money to charter jets to transport Venezuelan asylum-seekers from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, a decision that brought lawsuits in Florida and a criminal probe in Texas. “Our message is we’re not a sanctuary state,” DeSantis said. Crist called it “disgusting and vile,” and that he would not have done it.

Redistricting: DeSantis forced the Legislature to redraw the state’s congressional district map to eliminate two Black-majority districts in North and Central Florida. Crist said it deliberately disenfranchised Black voters and opposed it. The investigative website ProPublica has reported that the DeSantis-drawn map could produce a net gain of four seats for Republicans in Florida, more than any other state.

Running out of time

No matter which side of the governor’s race you’re on, you’re running out of time to make your voice heard. Tomorrow is the last day for early voting in Lake, Brevard and Volusia counties. But you can still take advantage of the most convenient option for voting in Orange, Seminole and Osceola counties through Sunday. All early voting sites will have secure dropoff locations for mail ballots that haven’t yet been returned. It’s probably too late to return them by mail.

If you plan to vote Tuesday, make sure you know where your precinct is (some have shifted since voter ID cards went out, due to damage from Hurricane Ian). Voters who still have mail ballots can bring them to their polling place, where they will be exchanged for an Election Day ballot.

Coming Sunday, we’re going to show you some threats to easy voting that many Floridians don’t realize are on the way. But for now, we’ll just end with a one-word plea: Vote.

The Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board includes Editor-in-Chief Julie Anderson, Opinion Editor Krys Fluker and Viewpoints Editor Jay Reddick. The Sun Sentinel Editorial Board consists of Editorial Page Editor Steve Bousquet, Deputy Editorial Page Editor Dan Sweeney, and Anderson. Send us your thoughts at